Nursing Home
Sometimes it is just bad care, negligence. The failure of the nursing home to do things according to the accepted standards of care. Sometimes it is the failure to follow mandated government standards, rules and regulations. Other times it sadly is abuse or neglect. America’s greatest generation deserves better. Often it is for-profit nursing homes that are failing in the promises to properly care for our loved ones. We can help, the call is free and the consultation is free with the experienced trial lawyers at The Chafin Law Firm.
Abuse-Cruel or violent treatment.
Neglect-Fail to care for properly.
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Bed injuries/asphyxiation
Psychological issues (sudden emotional or physical changes)
Poor personal hygiene
Unsanitary living conditions
Unexplained injuries
Falls, fractures or head injuries
Loss or lack of mobility
Rapid weight loss or gain
Instances of wandering or elopement
Unexplained or unexpected death of a resident
Unreasonable physical restraint or seclusion
Lack of care for existing medical problems
High staff turnover
“I don’t want _ to care for me”
Injuries inflicted by another resident
Broken bones, especially hip fractures
Injuries requiring an ambulance or hospitalization
Rape or other forms of sexual abuse